Developer Docs


Integrate the embedded wallet in just a few lines of code.


Install the required packages:

npm i @passkeys/core @passkeys/react


Call createWallet at the top level of your application with your app ID and supported chains to initialize the embedded wallet and expose web3 providers.

Next, wrap your application in the <WalletProvider> context provider and render the <WalletWidget> somewhere in your layout:

import { createWallet } from '@passkeys/core';
import { WalletProvider, WalletWidget } from '@passkeys/react';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import App from './App';
const wallet = createWallet({
  appId: '<YOUR_APP_ID>', // Only required for production, contact us to get yours.
  providers: {
    ethereum: true,
    // ...
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
  <WalletProvider wallet={wallet}>
    <WalletWidget />
    <App />

The widget will remain invisible and only display when the user connects the wallet.

Passkeys Developer Kit

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